The Swastik Pictures had approached the website seeking information on details on the Pandavas and Kauravas, life of Pandu and Dhritarashtra, the costumes used by the people during Mahabharata period etc. The makeup is so over the top that you can clearly see Krishna’s lipstick and Satyavati’s fake eyelashes. We are stuck with extremely elaborate costumes, impossibly ornate head gear and jewelry (sometimes rather tacky) and some really serious make up. Clearly no reliance is placed on actual research, and there is no concession made to how people might possibly have dressed thousands of years ago. The makers of the serial have faithfully relied on calendar art to dress and deck up the characters in Mahabharat. The sets are elaborate and glitzy, the show even has some amount of dancing and it generally entertaining and well packaged, never mind trifling details such as historical accuracy and authenticity. The title track is good and some of the alaaps in the beginning were decent too. The near prime time slot for the serial each weekday and the daily soap style format of the show will ensure that people are hooked to the serial whether for entertainment, reasons of faith or any other motive. The phenomenal reach of the TV itself ensures that the Mahabharat serial now performs the function that grandfathers and grandmothers did, telling stories to kids. If the story is told in a simple, accessible, serialized, dramatic format on TV, it would have been better then. This epic story is a part of the Indian ethos and as such each Indian should be familiar with it. One cannot give makers of the serial much credit for the story because it was Ved Vyasa after all who first documented this marvelous story, history, mythology, call it what you will. Here are the two sides of the New Mahabharat – good and bad Hence I became determined to catch this latest version of Mahabharat. The flawless casting, the utmost dedication involved in production and above all the honesty the serial had portrayed keeping the true essence of our epic are some of the major reasons why the new Mahabharat series have been not able to outshine the original serial.Īlas the Balaji version – Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki of 2008 was terminated before it could launch due to poor TRPs and criticism completely convinced me. While I was completely smitten by the early 90’s Mahabharat by B.R.Chopra, its characters have become immortal in audience’s memory. Our show is an attempt to show the human side of every character, and re-interpret the old text without tampering with the sensibilities.” Every story has different sides we have tried to tell it without painting characters black or white or calling situations right or wrong.

It might be the overall cost of the project. “ The channel should be able to comment on the numbers. When the producer was asked about the 100 crore budget, he had this to say,